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Hydraulic Hose & Tube Contamination Control


Clean Easy

A fast, less invasive way to clean contaminated hydraulic lines by shooting a projectile through the hose or tube assembly with a pneumatic launcher. The Ultra Clean Projectile strips out the internal contamination, removing dirt, gunk and oil. Now your clean oil will stay clean as it reaches those expensive components, preventing failure and system downtime. Take your best shot with Ultra Clean! *ISO 13/10 cleanliness levels are achievable.

Seal Easy

An innovative and economical solutions to protect cleaned hoses, tubes and pipes. The Clean Seal System heat-shrinks a Clean Seal Capsule tightly around assemblies and utilizes just 11 sizes for most needs. Plus, you can seal one or multiple assemblies at once! Clean Seal Flange is an advanced solution for keeping oil in your system and dirt out whenever you must disconnect or change a hose with flanged connections.

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High Performance Lubricants - Automatic Lube Systems - IHI, Bijur, Delimon, Farval - Single Point Lubricators

Perma, Wymark, Lubesite - Viper Wire Rope Lubricator - OilSafe - Bulk Oil Storage Tanks - LubeRooms - Clear Grease Gun

Examine Oil Analysis - Filtration Carts - Exclude Breathers - Extract Oil Sight Glasses

©2023 Lubrication Engineers NZ Ltd
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