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Reliability Solutions

To compliment our lubricant offering, LE offers a full line of lubrication reliability products and services, including solutions for Oil Analysis, Storage, Handling and Transfer, Contamination Exclusion, Contamination Removal and Education and Training.

To compliment our lubricant offering, LE offers a full line of lubrication reliability products and services, including solutions for Oil Analysis, Storage, Handling and Transfer, Contamination Exclusion, Contamination Removal and Education and Training.

LE is a one-stop shop for lubrication reliability.

We will work closely with you to learn about your specific equipment and lubrication needs, and then help you create an effective lubrication reliability programme that will provide equipment  protection and enhanced profits.

Xpert Services Flyer
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High Performance Lubricants - Automatic Lube Systems - IHI, Bijur, Delimon, Farval - Single Point Lubricators

Perma, Wymark, Lubesite - Viper Wire Rope Lubricator - OilSafe - Bulk Oil Storage Tanks - LubeRooms - Clear Grease Gun

Examine Oil Analysis - Filtration Carts - Exclude Breathers - Extract Oil Sight Glasses

©2023 Lubrication Engineers NZ Ltd
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